I'm an executive coach, senior leader, husband and father of two. I live in London.
I’m concerned about the climate and am a member of the Green Party.
I volunteer for Tooting’s Walking and Talking Movement and am a former Trustee for the Mental Health Foundation charity.
I’m a keen gardener, runner and enthusiastic golfer.
Accredited EMCC Global at Practitioner level. Accredited Associate Executive Coach by the Academy of Executive Coaching.
Experienced board level marketer and sustainability leader, delivering business change that is both good for the planet and for the customer.
I combine coaching with my job as Director of Audiences, Brand and Communicati
Accredited EMCC Global at Practitioner level. Accredited Associate Executive Coach by the Academy of Executive Coaching.
Experienced board level marketer and sustainability leader, delivering business change that is both good for the planet and for the customer.
I combine coaching with my job as Director of Audiences, Brand and Communications at Which?. I think there's real value in marrying coaching with a full time job, it gives me a real and current perspective on the challenges that busy leaders face.
My executive coaching is a blend of the GROW model, with Co-Active learning. The “burger” you see above shows how I aim to bring different aspects of coaching together into one combined, flexible approach.
I believe in the ability, potential and imagination of my clients and coach in a place of creativity and active experimentation.
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My executive coaching is a blend of the GROW model, with Co-Active learning. The “burger” you see above shows how I aim to bring different aspects of coaching together into one combined, flexible approach.
I believe in the ability, potential and imagination of my clients and coach in a place of creativity and active experimentation.
I’ll ask open questions to invoke ideas, and where appropriate I’ll use tools like silence, creative techniques and visualisations all in service of releasing my client’s natural creativity. I'm happy to coach in person, virtually or out and about - even on the golf course!
Coaching for me is about change - seeing progress in a client, ideally within a
session, certainly across a series of sessions. But the specific change is personal to each and every client.
Please contact me if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Executive coaching is one of the most individually tailored practices in talent development. It involves a close and confidential relationship between the coach and the person being coached. Meeting one-on-one with senior managers or leaders within an organisation, the executive coach provides a safe, structured, and trustworthy environment in which to offer support for the individual, typically for work-based topics. The coach also helps the leader understand their current competencies, see how they’re perceived by others, and focus on identifying and clarifying current goals as well as the appropriate action steps to reach those goals.
Yes. Executive coaching is a fantastic addition to any personal development plan you might agree with your employer. Having an active sponsor or line manager is a great way to ensure the coaching is aligned to the needs of both the client and the business.
No. My coaching model is entirely flexible. We can coach face to face, virtually, in an office or on the move. Even on a golf course!
The time that your coaching process will take depends on the complexity of your goals and your commitment and openness to your process. My coaching model typically runs initially for six one-hour sessions but is flexible and client led.
I'm a member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), which means I will work within the professional ethics and guidelines as described in the Global Code of Ethics . That means that typically what happens in our sessions stays in our sessions, unless you want to share further, or unless I'm required by law or likely risk of danger to self or to others.
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